She# the initiator



NCZ 046.  

Hannah Daniel, also known as Ballerina farm is a former miss NYC  and a graduate of Juilliard School in dance. With her dedication

towards her farming business she is able to produce and sell  

dairy,meat,sourdough bread,croissants etc nationwide While being a  mother of six.

She inspires thousands of women to live a healthy lifestyle, to cook  nourishing foods, warming the hearts of her followers with the farm  life and her beautiful little kids. If she wanted she could have chosen  a nine to five job in an office cubical but instead with her soul mate  she made her journey of opening a farm with zero experience! Starting the farm, raising cows, pigs, chicken, and what not. Hannah  Danielle is a beautiful mother of six children, her beauty, her energy,  her zeal, never fails to inspire thousands of women. Not only does  she farm but also makes the best sourdough bread, croissants,three  sqaure meals for her family but also home schooling six kids . The  children are really good at milking cows , cleaning, working and 

doing various chores and activities which today’s most kids couldn't  do.

Taking and initiative of starting a first generation agricultural, she  says it had its ups and downs. Initiating the journey of farming and  ranching full time. They simply looked at agriculture with a fresh set  of eyes and set out to build a business in the market. She says with  plenty of patience and loads of hustle she was able to achieve this  milestone.

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